
Essay Mastery:

Crafting Your Story to College Success



  • University of California, San Diego

  • University of Michigan

  • University of Washington

  • University of California, Irvine

  • University of California, Riverside (Honors)

  • Case Western Reserve University

  • Rutgers University

  • North Carolina State University

  • San Diego State University

  • Willamette University (Presidential Scholarship)

    … and many more!

  • お陰様で、いくつかいい大学も入ることができ、本当に助かりました。大学の合否というより、何より娘が満足するエッセイを出せたことで、私は本当に安堵しました。


  • We started the college application around summer and I enjoyed this aspect because Ayumi would give me plenty of time to structure, revise, and review my essays. Her advice were on point and it has been very useful even in the college writing courses.


  • お陰様でモチベーションが湧きました。とても感謝しています。


  • Ayumi helped me set up a strong resume and her revisions on my UC application essays were helpful. I loved working with Ayumi it was so helpful!!!! I wouldn't have been able to get into college without her help.


  • It was truly a weight lifted off my chest to have someone guiding me through everything. Before most sessions I would be stressed and worried... [Ayumi] never failed to make me feel productive and accomplished after each session. It was also extremely amazing that [Ayumi] could help me decide what to write each supplement about and make sure that every college could see as much as possible of who I was.
